About Me

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Hello internet, if you thought you were not on the wrong website by looking for "joe lego movie" will I'm the some creator of it but made "Scalawag Comics" because i am starting to make comics in stead of lego videos. it has been 2 years since i been on this site and i think some of you be for thought i was making more. well you thought wrong XD. sorry :) But i only had 300 viewers before, so yeah. but i how you guys and the person reading this will like what I'm posting. I'm going show some drawings I'm make that might be in a comic. but for now i have these to show you and enjoy.

Nov 27, 2013

Nov 24, 2013

Here is one of the Actions in the Spark series.
Night Howl and Spark

Nov 23, 2013

Nov 22, 2013

Nov 20, 2013

A fight to the death Spark Vs Skull-mark

Nov 17, 2013

here's a drawing of one of the Characters name Night Howl.

Nov 16, 2013

so which character do want to know?
Any one of them in the cover I posted, which 
I already did Spark. So, again what character do you 
want to know about?

write a comment down below.
Here is the main character the comic series Spark 

Nov 15, 2013

This is so far the cover of my comic series call….well the tile is there.

these are some drawings i made for the up coming comic series Spark